Thank you for your interest in Church Planting in the Northwest. Below you will find the materials necessary to begin your application process to be considered to join in this effort. The following is a general summary of a typical application/assessment process:
1. Please begin by completing the West Coast Church Planting Application (right click to save). This same application can be submitted for planting opportunities throughout the Pacific Northwest (including Seattle and Portland,) and the Vancouver, BC area. Include the following items with your application:
a. West Coast Confidential Questionnaire CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
b. Digital family photo
c. Resume (if available)
d. Sermon audio or video file. If the file is too large to email and is not already available online, contact Natalie for instructions on how to submit the file.
2. Register on NAMB’s website:
Please make sure you list “West Region”, as well as any specific Church Planting Catalyst / Send City Missionary you are working with. If you are applying for a Send City (Seattle or Portland), please note that also.
3. A follow-up phone interview with a Church Planting Catalyst will be scheduled once all materials are received. Once materials are reviewed, and it is agreed to proceed, the Catalyst will request a link be sent for NAMB’s online application and assessments.
4. Use the link you receive from NAMB to complete NAMB’s online application, references and assessments. Please personally contact your references to ask them to complete references/tools in a timely manner.
Online assessments may include but are not limited to:
– Church Planter Profile (CPP)
– Prepare-Enrich Marriage Assessment (if married or engaged)
– Church Leader Inventory (CLI) and, if applicable, Church Leader Spouse Inventory (CLSI)
The cost of the inventories is less than $100. If you ultimately plant with NAMB they will reimburse the costs. If paying the initial expense is a hardship for you, contact Natalie Hammond.
5. Use the web link emailed to you from NAMB to complete online Ministry Safe Training.
6. Read Life on Mission by Dustin Willis and Aaron Coe. Then complete the Expectations Survey and email to Natalie Hammond in preparation for the Church Planter Assessment & Development Center.
7. The application materials are reviewed by the Church Planting Catalyst(s). If a decision is made to proceed, then an invitation is issued to attend the in-person Church Planter Assessment & Development Center (CPADC).
8. With coaching from your Church Planting Catalyst*, work on gathering needed information in order to complete your Planting Projector. (
Use this form to help you gather required information. Once the form is completed, seek preliminary approval from your Church Planting Catalyst*, who will then submit it to Gary Irby and Natalie Hammond for NWBC preliminary approval.
All planters need a Sending Church and at least one Partner Church in order to obtain final Planting Projector approval.
*In Region 1 work with Ron Shepard.
9. Participate in Church Planter Assessment & Development Center. The in-person assessment is for both candidate and spouse. For upcoming assessment center dates, please contact Natalie Hammond.
10. A Field Visit is conducted to determine planting location (this may take place in tandem with the CPADC).
If looking at intern or apprentice positions, at this point we would also determine with which church you would intern/apprentice.
11. At this point the decision is made by Catalyst(s) to partner with you, and the planting field is agreed upon.
12. Catalyst submits your final paperwork to NAMB. (Interns/apprentices require form submitted by their field church.)
13. Complete your Planting Projector ( and submit to your Church Planting Catalyst for final approval and partner confirmation.
14. NAMB gives final approval to support church planter.
15. Work with a Church Planting Catalyst in your new focus area to develop your initial church planting strategy. As you do so, take into account the information provided on the Decided page, including the downloadable Decided Process Checklist.
**NAMB does charge for their online assessments, which they can reimburse after approval. If the costs of the Online Profiles create a financial strain, please contact us for assistance.
Our application and assessment process is not intended to tell you if God is calling you to plant, but instead is to help Northwest Baptist Planting determine if we are to partner with you. If we do choose to partner with you, the assessment and application results enable us to best assist you in your church planting process.
West Coast Church Planting Application
The application can be done two different ways:
Online: Click below to complete the application online. If you choose to submit the application online, please email the other application items (confidential questionnaire, resume, picture, and sermon) to Natalie Hammond.
Download the fill-in pdf below. Complete the document and email it to Natalie Hammond, along with the other NW application items.
If you have questions or problems please contact us.
Download Baptist Faith & Message 2000 (Must be in agreement with this document in order to plant with NAMB)
Download West Coast Church Planting Application
Download West Coast Confidential Questionnaire