Q. What is Global Urban Strategists (GUS)?
A. GUS is a network of Church Planting Strategists (and a few other key church planting leaders) from 35 of North America’s largest cities PLUS other major metropolitan areas around the world. We gather yearly to share strategy and ideas, brainstorm, encourage and equip one another. In addition to the yearly gathering we host webinars on key topics and seek to connect one another to resources that can be effectively shared and developed.
The primary purpose of the gathering is peer interaction & learning.
Q. How much does the GUS conference cost?
A.. There are 3 types of registration costs:
- Shared room (other than spouse)
- Single room OR participant + spouse (participating or not)
- Local (no hotel room needed)
Registration fee costs:
Early Bird - before Jan 15
Shared room $199, Single room $398, Local (no hotel) $100
Reg rate - Jan 15 - April 15
Shared room $249, Single room $498, Local (no hotel) $100
Late registration fee after April 15)
Shared room $299, Single room $598, Local (no hotel) $100
When should I arrive and depart?
A. The conference will begin Wed, June 15 @ 7 p.m. Many of you may already be in Anaheim for the SBC Convention. We may be able to provide carpool or transportation options from the convention to the GUS lodging, depending on need/interest. Please indicate your interest on the registration and we will be in touch with more details as they become available.
The conference will end Friday, June 17 at 2 p.m. Please arrange flights out no earlier than 5:00 PM on Friday, if possible.
Q. What does the registration cost include? What is not included?
A. Two night's lodging (Wed – Fri) and meals provided (beginning Thursday through Fri lunch).
Not included expenses: Travel expenses and travel meals, metro/taxi costs, incidentals.
Q. What topics will be addressed this year?
A. Topics will include:
• Chinese church planting/diaspora • IMB/NAMB collaboration • Multi-ethnic planting • Set Free Churches • And more! •
Q. Which airport is best? Will there be transportation to/from the airport?
A. LAX will be the closest airport to our conference. However, if you are attending the SBC Convention you will likely want to use John Wayne Airport (SNA). Please email your flight itinerary to Natalie when you have it booked, or note you are coming from the SBC Convention in your registration.
Q. What is the exact location of the conference?
A. Multiple locations around the cities.
Q. What kind of accommodations?
A. Rooms will be managed by Natalie Hammond. The hotel we will be using is TBD.
Q. Who is my contact person?
Logistics: Natalie Hammond 425.640.3676 email
City Contact: Kirk Overstreet 909.615.0427 email